Monday, August 14, 2006

Hi, I'm A Helmut I Mean "Hairstyle"!

I like hair. I like it a lot . As some of my friends can attest sometimes, rather than being a fool for love I find myself a fool for hair. A good set of folicles blinds me to the short-comings of whatever's underneath. If there's enough on top I can even blind myself to a receding hair-line and an egg like forehead. Damnit!

I am, obviously then, a fan of the current hairstyle for boys which involves plenty o'hair, in a touseled "just got out of bed, hey there!" style and is sometimes charmingly paired with facial hair.

I have never watched the mighty boosh but I love it for the hair alone.

Imagine my horror, however, when watching channel ten the other day and finding out that it was possible to Go Too Far. There was an interview of graphic designers, sundry, where they were mumbling their love of... stuff... and need to roam freely, free to design and be and create cool... stuff. I love graphic designers. I do. They are clever with the making of pretty things but they are not always the most articulate. Well not when it comes to declaring their modus operandi on tv anyway. Anywhoo, there they all were, these smarty pants young men with their ingenious designs and their hipness and... their hair which seemed to be channeling the alien messages beaming in from the planet Xyron, in the fiftyfith galaxy or some such.

This is going TOO FAR people! Cut it back!! Stop before you finally hear the message instructing you to kill, and kill again....


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