Sunday, February 18, 2007

U R Ghey

Writing, recently, has been something of a struggle. I have found myself walking around struggling to remember the name of the first nascent 'hipster' film that A* and I saw, back in the day, that was filmed in edgy black and white at the UCLA (Berkley? Who?) campus in America and involved 20somethings dealing with their lack of direction, etc, zzzz. It also contained the excellent scene where the 'writer' man leaned back in his chair, over powered by ennui and writers block and catalogued the things around him. "Ceiling. Shelves. Chair. Wall. Roof. Fuck."

Yep, pretty much.

If I were him I would be writing "fucktard morning crowds at spencer street, ugly people, how hot is it, fuck"

So nothing exciting then, obvs. Or even remotely worth reading.

Thank god I've finally re-remembered things that I enjoy.

To whit:

  • Writing offensive emails to Tone Loc that are systematically rejected by his server. There's only so many shitty forwards a finger puppet can read before the need to inform someone that they suck dick comes into play
  • Lying, pointlessly, at parties. Yes, yes I am allergic to lavender. Violet! You're turning violet, violet! Was totes a catch-cry from my childhood whenever I was thoughtlessly forced to handle the near-fatal substance known as lavender.

  • Actually, now that I'm reminded of it, being told that I have 'Gene Wilder curls' which I gleefully translated as being told that I have curls which remind one of a (potential) kiddie fiddler
  • Instructing my mother in the art of saying "no". Saying "Nein" "Nee" "Nyet" and "Non" are all things I enjoy doing immensely and with aplomb
  • Having HumanRash (nee Spakattak) woefully confess that he is now a walking, itching, human rash at a party and then hearing JZ yell across said party a few hours later "hey! Rashman! Oy! Human Rash!" Ah. Good times.
  • Assuming the moral highground with two of the more ideologically aware people I know.
    Herbert: No, of course coffees are out of the question!
    Hotness + B: Oh.. but.. isn't that food?
    Herbert: I can't believe you! I'm appalled! What is WRONG with you people? Don't you know that that's contrary to the whole spirit of the experiment???
    Hottness + B: [silence]
    Herbert: [self righteously shaking out the saturday paper whilst sitting in the wading pool, cleaned and filled with water during water restrictions] I just can't believe you people sometimes....

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At 8:00 AM, Blogger meva said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 8:01 AM, Blogger meva said...

The pedant in me just can't help it. I tried and tried not to write this comment, but it was always gonna happen. It's Gene Wilder.

At 9:04 AM, Blogger sharpatootha said...

yo herbert, sorry - had to delete your comment on my blog

many apologies

mail me at so i can tell you off some more

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Kate said...

oh noes! I knew I should've double checked.

I am a tard.

Sorry meva (and thanks for the book recommendation earlier, I loved eucalyptus)

At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have absolutely NO recollection of such a film.

And I AM allergic to lavender ... !!


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