Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Under the seeea

Last night not much happened but I saw a friend's work at Tomorrow, ate delicious cheesey things that I strongly suspect her mother baked especially for the occasion and got utterly shikkered. It was swell.

The above image is something I found while searching for "under the carpet" a place that I believe could be almost as much fun as "under the sea" and which does not require me to attempt anything with photoshop. I also found this:

Last night I also saw a couple salsa (or merengue?) at The Spanish Club and I truly believed that if I just squinted at them long enough I would be able to get up there and follow their steps perfectly. HA. Either that or I was possibly checking out the man's arse which, in salsa (merengue?) wiggles a lot. A lot. Awesome.


At 7:54 PM, Blogger I'm not Craig said...

Aah, ass-dancing. is there any better way to spend a night out?

That sea thing was cool, also.


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