Sunday, September 17, 2006

Round Up Pt 1

Well, it certainly has been a giddying whirl of social activity in the past few days now, hasn't it?

Saw someone actually knock a piece of sculpture to the ground at the show at the VCA. This was interesting for a few reasons:

  • It was a really shitty sculpture that had been glued together by the artist the day before
  • She made it because it was going to be broken
  • I was caught on camera reacting in an horrified manner to the act of M brushing against the sculpture and sending it, and it's plinth, shattering to the ground
  • Watching M, who is apparently a cheap cheap cheap drunk anyway, brush drunkenly against it, made me suddenly think of all those times at Gertrudes' gallery and marvel that no one had ever broken an installation there before - although I was there that one time that girl knocked over the plywood boards and everyone stopped, turned and stared. That was classic.
  • About two minutes after the sculpture had been knocked over, people were using the plinth as a drinks tray to place their empty glasses of wine on

Thursday also meant meeting M's cousin who was awesome, eating dinner for less than $8 and, best of all, arguing for a new and radically different interpretation of drama in movies.

That's right. Thursday was the night I gave birth to the movement that will sweep all before it - the Fridge Drama. Begone kitchen sink, you are passe and we want no more to do with you. No, The Hour Of The Fridge is at hand.

My outline was so moving and eloquent that my taxi companion was moved to clarify both my name and the status of copyright attached to the theory. Coming soon to a university near you....


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