Where is my mind?
So Friday, after months of surreptious scanning of tram stops and certain trams, I finally bumped into The Egg.
I'd been wondering for ages what, exactly, it would be like to see him again. I wondered what I'd feel and whether I'd do anything interesting. In fact, what I felt was.... nothing. Nothing much at all. A vague stab of irritation but that was about it. Oh, and maybe a fleeting moment of satisfaction at the development of some ugly neckne on his neck.
We chatted politely for a bit and I realised that there had always been enormous swamps of silence in between any snatches of discussion we'd ever had, but previously my mind had helpfully wiped away these stinking pauses with confusion, lust, despair etc. Good one, mind. I should leave you at home more often. Or maybe I should just go out with myself.
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