Thursday, December 14, 2006


This morning as I stumbled through the house I found myself thinking how much more awesome cherries are than cherry blossoms.

Sure cherry blossoms are very pretty and there's that lame Air song about "sherry blossom giiirrlllll" but really. Blossom was also a really crap daytime t.v. show.

Back in the day, A* and I used to see who could stuff the greatest number of cherries in her mouth before chewing. I was often the winner but I would like to confess now that.... I may've cheated a few times. Sorry A*


At 5:17 AM, Blogger I'm not Craig said...

You kids really did know how to make your own fun back in those days.

I think that made me sound really old.Which is not surprising, as I am old enough to rmember when Blossom was on in prime time. Then again, I am young enough to like that Air song. So confusing.

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Kate said...

INC, dont let anyone ever tell you that Adelaide is excitment free.

Think of yourself as... ageless. Which is the new old/young/other.

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Kate said...

excitement, damnit.

That's how exciting adelaide is, it messes with spelling...

At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



Ah, good times. I was usually laughing so hard cherries were popping out of my mouth.

What your parents/other market patrons must have thought of us, I have no idea ...


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